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FL98 / F7 Bulkhead Connector Assembly

Item #: BCWA-FL98HD

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Original Price: $50.00


FL98 / F7 Bulkhead Connector Assembly

BCWA-FL98HD - FL98 / F7 Fuel Pump Sender Harness Kit - Walbro

The external harness in this kit is designed to replace and upgrade the factory bulkhead connector and wiring assembly on GM 1985-1992 TPI F-Body fuel senders and many other GM vehicles which have a 3-wire connector assembly. Please see connector configuration in the picture above and pinouts listed below.

This external harness has a 3-position Delphi WeatherPack connector with male terminals which is wired as follows:


C - PUMP POWER - RED (commonly gray on factory GM harnesses)

The in-tank pin-outs are as follows:



This harness features:

- Upgraded dual-circuit 14 gauge automotive-grade TXL wire
- A dedicated ground wire which will replace most factory bonded ground wires found on old senders.

When this harness is used in combination with our upgraded in-tank harnesses the overall resistance is reduced from approximately 0.18 to 0.017 ohms.
When using a HP pump (Walbro, Bosch, Denso, Stealth, Racetronix RXP) this translates to an improvement of approximately 10%+ in pump performance.

Some vehicles may have different WeatherPack keying or designations. Alternative connectors and / or pin-outs can be special ordered.


The yellow bulkhead connector is OE equipment and has been pressure tested, fitted with an o-ring seal and supplied with a new SS press-on retaining clip.
The bulkhead connector is a perfect match for the keyed hole the factory FL98, F7 and many other G.M. senders so you do not have to drill any holes or make any modifications.


This in-tank harnesses are designed to be used with our BCWA-G7 Bulkhead Wire and Connector Assembly above. These harnesses feature:

- Dual Circuit 12" Heavy-duty gas-safe Teflon wire harness - Supports new 340-450LPH HP fuel pumps
- Redundant ground plugs into factory in-tank ground with supplied single-cavity connector

- Level sender wire (compatible with FL98 and F7-type senders where applicable)

Some senders may have different in-tank wiring configurations however the in-tank connector's terminals can be re-arranged to match with a simple paper clip provided.

Please check your pump's polarity to make sure it matches with our in-tank harness. GSS340M pumps (black tops) and GSS294M pumps (white tops) have opposite polarity configurations.

Performance based on load tests simulating 60 PSI operating pressure at 13.5V in combination with manufacturer's published pump voltage vs. flow charts. Harness resistance tests were conducted with sustained 10, 15 and 20 amp loads measured between the WeatherPack connector and the pump's in-tank supply terminals.

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Your Price: $
Original Price: $50.00