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C5 Fuel Pump Kit, T6 W450E

Item #: RFPK-055-450E

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Original Price: $560.48

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C5 Fuel Pump Kit, T6 W450E

RFPK-055-450E - 1997-2003 C5 Corvette High Performance Fuel Pump Kit, T6, 450 LPH

This pump will not work on 2003 and newer fuel systems.
This would be the VIN after 114930 (last six digits) built November 25, 2002. Please see our RFPK-475-450

The FPA-055-450E fuel pump module features:

  • Walbro F90000274 E-85 compatible 450 LPH Turbine Pump
  • Racetronix T6 Anodized aluminum reservoir (bucket) with check-valve assembly
  • 30-micron filter sock
  • Filter screen
  • Dual-circuit upgraded PTFE in-tank harness
  • High-pressure non-Kinking fuel tube
  • Oetiker clamps
  • Silicon pump seal
  • Fully Assembled & Tested
Why a Racetronix Fuel Assembly?

Racetronix direct-fit T6 Aluminum Module with HP Turbine Jet Pump:

In 2021,TI Automotive (Walbro) GM's OE supplier, discontinued manufacturing the C5 Corvette fuel system components. Racetronix set out to design a new module that would maintain the factory functionality but at the same time provide enhanced performance and reliability. Racetronix new module is over 50% larger which provides more fuel capacity. This enhanced capacity reduces the chance of fuel starvation under heavy fuel demands, high g-forces and low-tank levels. The all aluminum construction helps dissipate heat which reduces the chance of hot fuel (aeration) with high-flow pumps and climate conditions.

The Racetronix FPA-055-450E module is fitted with a modified Walbro F90000274 450 LPH turbine pump and Racetronix proprietary jet system which is a replacement for the factory Walbro jet-pump therefore the full functionality of the fill bucket is maintained. The aluminum module (bucket) allows the fuel pump to use its jet + venturi function to keep the pump immersed in fuel at all times regardless of the tank fuel level. This aids in preventing fuel starvation under hard cornering and acceleration. Keeping the pump immersed in fuel also helps prevent moisture damage which can shorten the pump's life. This pump assembly in combination with our FPWK-052 wiring upgrade kit will support approximately 600-650 rear-wheel horsepower (RWHP) using the factory regulator and fuel lines. This HP number may be less with forced induction applications which require richer air/fuel mixtures and higher fuel pressure. Please see tech note below! Please factor in a 20-25% safety margin between what your motor needs and what your fuel system can supply.

* Our FPWK-052 is required for a HP pump to meet stated performance specifications because the factory wiring was not designed to handle high-performance pumps which draw more than twice the power of a factory pump. A performance reduction of 15-25% in pump performance can be expected along with reduced reliability when a HP pump is run off of the factory harness.

GM type no-kink solvent resistant fuel tube:

This fuel tube is the same type used by GM from the factory. The fuel tube is kink-resistant thanks to its ribbed design. Its special composition makes it more resistant to the solvents in today's pump gas (i.e. toluene, Xylene, MTBE, Ethanol) as compared to rubber / neoprene which dries out, swells and cracks.

Upgraded dual-circuit PTFE in-tank harness (ITWH-054):

The Racetronix ITWH-054 in-tank harness has upgrades the factory PTFE wiring from a single 16 gauge to two 14 gauge multi-strand copper wires. This helps reduce voltage drop and at the same time maintains the same level of resistance to fuel solvents as the factory wiring. Generic Walbro kits do not use Teflon wire but rather a much less expensive plastic type.

Direct-power pump wiring (no adapters / splices):

The Racetronix in-tank wiring harness is a one-piece assembly. One end has the Walbro connector and the other is fitted with GM type terminals which are installed directly into the factory connector making it true plug & play. Generic wiring harnesses require cutting and splicing of the factory wiring.

Redundant in-tank ground loop (solves factory problem):

The factory in-tank wiring has the ground from the pump and ground from the power connector split into two circuits which relies on push-lock terminals and the module's body as a ground junction source. We have seen these connectors loose and in some cases corroded. If one were to fail the pump would lose power. Racetronix has redesigned the grounding system with a daisy-chain / loop through circuit. This way there are three grounds all tied together thereby making circuit failure almost next to impossible. An extra ground is also provided via the FPWH-052 external upgrade harness via a ground lugs. This further enhances the fuel module's grounding system and eliminates the chance of a floating ground condition. A floating ground condition will cause a static buildup and potential fuel
ignition. All harnesses are assembled using our computerized crimp-quality monitoring system and then circuit checked for the utmost in reliability.

Fuel Screen / Silicon gasket seal:

A new filter sock, screen and silicon pump seal are installed.

Technical note:

The Racetronix FPA-055-450E with FPWK-052 are capable of supporting apx. 650RWHP @ 0.5 BSFC @ 58PSI (400KPa) using factory lines. In early model C5's with rail-mounted fuel pressure regulators the above HP support can be achieved. Addition of a pump voltage booster may increase support to apx. 700 RWHP+. Cars with superchargers, turbos and low battery voltage may see lower HP support numbers.

Late model C5's with the return-less rail system will not be able to achieve this level of HP support with the fuel system alone. This is because the point of regulation is at the back of the car. The location of the fuel pressure regulator (FPR) does not allow it compensate for line pressure drop even though the pressure is stable at the back (regulator location). There are two options to get around this problem. First is to convert the system to a rail mounted fuel pressure regulator return type (best). The second option is to install a pump booster which is activated at the point where rail pressure starts to drop. The boost in fuel volume overwhelms the regulator / return line thereby increasing the fuel pressure at the back of the car which translates to higher pressure at the fuel rail. We recommend the MSD unit for forced induction (FI) applications as it ramps the voltage based on manifold pressure. This prevents a short but abrupt fuel pressure spike which causes the motor to hiccup from brief over-fueling. If you are using an instant-on N2O system then the KB BAP can be considered as well.

Please understand that this is not an issue with the Racetronix system but rather a design limitation of the factory configuration.

2003 C5 Corvettes can be checked for compatibility with the Racetronix fuel system. If your access port for the fuel module can be seen in front of the driver's side rear tire (under the car) then this system will work. If it is not visible then you have the new type of module which goes in from the top of the tank. The Racetronix system is not compatible with this fuel module / system. If you are not sure please have a qualified person check before ordering your system.

The FPA-055-450E module is not backwards compatible and MUST NOT be used with our older FPWH-007 fuel pump upgrade harness. 

We recommend replacing the factory gasket to ensure a proper seal. Please view our gasket kits listed under add-ons below.

Fuel Pump Assemblies (Racetronix)

FPA-055-450E - C5 Fuel Pump Assembly UHP, T6, W450J (Qty:1)

Fuel Pump - Hotwire / Upgrade Harnesses

FPWH-052 - C5 Fuel Pump Wiring harness HD (Qty:1)

Bulkhead Connectors

BCA-4W - FS Bulkhead Connector Assembly 4-way (Qty:1)

Metri-Pack 280 Connectors

PBIC-001 - Pump booster interface connector set (Qty:1)
Your Price: $
Original Price: $560.48
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